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What is Organizational Conflict, and Why Does it Matter?

Organizational conflict can arise due to differences in work styles, communication styles, values, expectations, or interests.

While many people view conflict as a negative force that can undermine productivity and morale, it can also be a necessary driver of change, growth and innovation. Continue reading to learn more.

Organizational Conflict: What It Is?

At its core, conflict is a form of disagreement that occurs when two or more parties’ interests, needs, or desires are incompatible with each other. Organizational conflict refers to the disagreements and tensions that occur within a workplace or between different organizations. 

Conflict can manifest in many ways, such as disputes, grievances, complaints, or even violence. Specifically, in the workplace, conflict may look like differing goals, personal or professional differences, or resource allocation.

The Importance of Conflict Management

Conflict is not always bad. In fact, conflict can be a healthy and productive force when managed effectively. By encouraging constructive conflict, organizations can harness the diversity of perspectives, skills, and experiences of their employees to drive innovation and creativity. 

Effective conflict management can also help to build trust, strengthen relationships, and improve teamwork, communication, and decision-making.

What is a Conflict Resolution Degree?

A degree in conflict resolution studies provides students with the theoretical background, skills, and practical tools to manage conflict effectively in a variety of settings. Conflict resolution programs are designed to teach students how to identify, analyze, and resolve conflicts in a peaceful and productive manner.

Master's in Conflict Management and Resolution: A Path to Specialization?

A Master's in Conflict Management and Resolution (MS-CMR) is the perfect next step for those seeking a more specialized understanding of the field. The MS-CMR degree program at Kroc School empowers students to develop advanced knowledge and skills in the field of conflict resolution and provides opportunities for specialized training in various areas.

The MS-CMR Program is the #3 nationally ranked negotiation and conflict management master’s and offers a comprehensive curriculum that can enable students to learn the skills necessary to expertly navigate intra-societal conflicts at the individual, workplace, community, national and international levels. 

Through a curriculum that emphasizes experiential learning, students of peace studies and conflict management learn multiple approaches to effectively manage and resolve conflict, graduating with a readiness to transform conflict into positive change through conflict analysis, intervention design, negotiation, mediation and facilitation and dialogue.

Careers in Mediation and Conflict Resolution

A Conflict Resolution Degree can lead to a wide range of career opportunities in various fields, including law, business, government, healthcare, education, and non-profit organizations. Positions in mediation and conflict resolution may include mediator, arbitrator, negotiator, ombudsman, facilitator, or conflict coach. 

Kroc School MS-CMR graduates make a global impact through careers in public and private sectors, as well as intergovernmental organizations and nonprofits. Learn more about the MS-CMR program through the lens of recent alumni.

By pursuing our MS-CMR degree, you can be part of this growing field and contribute to building more peaceful, equitable, and inclusive work environments. 

Earn Your Degree in Conflict Resolution

By investing in conflict resolution training and education, you will learn to foster a culture that encourages constructive conflict and embraces conflict as a necessary driver of positive change. Together, we can transform conflict into an opportunity for growth and create organizations that thrive on diversity of thought and promote collaboration, productivity, and innovation and allow individuals to contribute their skills in more harmonious and collaborative environments.

If you are interested in earning the Mediation and Conflict Resolution Certificate, we encourage you to learn more.

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Want to learn more about our Master’s Degree in Conflict Management & Resolution Program? Access our guide, “How Peace and Conflict Studies Make You a Top-Tier Job Candidate: Exploring the Field of Conflict Management and Resolution.”


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