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USD's Partnership With Ascent Funding and Conscious Capitalism San Diego

At the University of San Diego, we are dedicated to equipping our students with the tools they need to redefine the global landscape through innovation and ethical leadership. Our Social Innovation Fellowship Program in collaboration with Conscious Capitalism San Diego, represents a pinnacle of this commitment, merging academic rigor with real-world applications to forge leaders ready to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges.

In this initiative, Jessica Schwartz, a Master of Arts in Social Innovation alum from the Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, exemplified the power of this partnership and ethos through her fellowship with Ascent Funding and Goal Beyond. Her journey provides a compelling narrative of the transformative potential of integrating academic insight with on-the-ground experience. 

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We sat down for an interview with Jessica and her colleagues at Ascent Funding including; Tristan Fleming - Chief Impact Officer and General Counsel, Tochi Izegbu - Chief Operating Officer and Allie Danziger - Senior Vice President and General Manager, AscentUP. The answers from Ascent reflect the perspectives of these individuals.

Motivation & Background

Q: Jessica, what drew you to take Dr. Roche’s Reimagining Capitalism Course, and then pursue this fellowship opportunity with Ascent Funding?

A: In terms of resources and influence, collaboration with the private sector is instrumental in driving societal and environmental change. That being said, it was the subject matter and Dr. Roche himself as a wonderful professor and mentor that made this class an absolute must-take. Any class or conversation with him is an invaluable learning experience. The fellowship was extremely attractive to me, as I had accumulated a lot of theoretical knowledge in college and graduate school, but I had yet had an opportunity to put my skills to the test of the real world. I have been so lucky to get to work with Ascent and Goal Beyond and be given the trust and confidence to translate my education to the real world, supported by guidance and mentorship along the way.

Q: Ascent, How does partnering with academic institutions align with Ascent Funding’s vision?

A: Ascent is a student success company that focuses on helping students to plan, pay, and succeed both during and after school; overall, we are committed to giving students the foundation, skills, and confidence they need to succeed and this mission is only possible through collaborations with academic institutions. By partnering with universities and colleges, we can better reach students where they are, and ensure that we continue to develop financial solutions and support services that address the specific needs of the student populations we serve, continuously ensuring that more individuals have the opportunity to pursue higher education without limitations.

Experiences & Challenges

Q: Jessica, can you describe a typical week during your fellowship? What have been your main responsibilities?

A: I work 15 hours a week and come in on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. On Tuesdays, I sit at my desk upstairs and have my 1:1 with Tristan and my 1:1 with Tochi. With Tristan, our meetings are usually focused around the Impact Report and the responsibilities, planning, and execution surrounding that report. With Tochi, I work on Goal Beyond, the new nonprofit entity from the Goal Solutions family. With Tochi, we work on program design and implementation, social media strategy, branding, and Salesforce management. Both Tristan and Tochi also provide amazing mentorship and career support. 

On Wednesdays, I sit downstairs with the marketing department. My desk downstairs is busier which is a nice chance to meet coworkers. There is a running joke that downstairs snacks are superior (I agree). On these days I have my 1:1 with Allie (usually virtually as she lives in Texas). Allie and I work on the Impact Report from a marketing perspective and partnerships, such as the new AscentUP x Riipen partnership. Allie has experience in the startup world and has been a wonderful mentor and source of inspiration for that. I am also supported and guided by Courtney who is the Executive Assistant to Tristian and has been a lovely source of help and guidance for general questions.

Q: Ascent, ca Ascent,n you describe the roles, responsibilities, and projects assigned to Jessica? How do these contribute to Ascents’  overall goals?

A: Jessica supports multiple organizations that are in the Ascent family of companies. Jessica’s main responsibilities at Goal Beyond revolve around facilitating the execution of the fund program design, managing its implementation and outreach efforts. She has also been charged with developing and executing social media strategy to promote the organization’s initiatives and engage with stakeholders effectively. Additionally, she handles Salesforce administration for fundraising and prospecting purposes.

These responsibilities are crucial for Ascent’s overall goals, particularly for Goal Beyond, which aims to make a significant impact as a new entrant into the impact investing space. By overseeing the execution of fund program design and social media strategy, Jessica ensures that initiatives are achieving their intended outcomes.  Overall, her contributions play a vital role in advancing Ascent’s strategy, helping Goal Beyond work towards its overarching goals.

To support Ascent Funding, Jessica has been managing the creation of our second annual impact report. This 20+ page document encompassing hundreds of data points and in collaboration with many of the company’s key stakeholders and executives is a leading marketing collateral for the company. She has worked to manage an outside vendor, saving the company hours of facilitation. 

For support AscentUP, Jessica wrote her first press release announcing an important partnership. This helps to bring awareness to the program and drive registrations and applications, which is the main goal of the release. 

Learning & Impact

Q: Jessica, how has the fellowship influenced your understanding of capitalism and sustainability?

A: The importance of cross-sectoral collaboration in addressing society's most pressing challenges seems even clearer now. Just as problems are complex and deep-seated, our solutions need to have the same level of intricacy and intersectionality, if not more. The only way to create comprehensive change is to bring all stakeholders and voices to the table. My experience here has shown me that that is not only possible, but oftentimes beneficial for all stakeholders. Doing the right thing is often long term more sustainable for all stakeholders in the long run in comparison to quick fixes.

Q: Ascent, can you share an example where Jessica has made a noticeable impact on an Ascent project or culture.

A: Jessica's impact on the AscentUP/Riipen partnership project has been impressive, and it stands out when she jumped right in to write a press release in under an hour to announce a key partnership. Having never written a press release before, she asked the right questions, found resources on her own and dove in with enthusiasm and dedication. 

She also has taken the lead on the Impact Report project, and her proactive and organized approach has been instrumental in giving our copywriter the storyline, the data and the feedback needed in a clear and structured approach that has kept the project on schedule. 

Future Aspirations

Q: Jessica, how has this experience shaped your career aspirations?

A: I am so excited to continue to work full time with Ascent/Goal Beyond this summer.  Through this experience it firsthand seen the positive impact businesses can have on all stakeholders society.  It has been wonderful to learn from not only industry leaders, but innovators who are completely changing the landscape of the game.  Starting this program never having had an office job, I learned an innumerable amount of both hard and soft skills that I will take with me throughout my career.  Leadership and genuine heart and grit are transferable skills I will carry with me forever.  I feel empowered and know I have met people here I will always have as mentors.

Q: Ascent, how do you see the partnerships between Ascent, Conscious Capitalism San Diego, and the University of San Diego evolving? 

A: The partnerships between Ascent, Conscious Capitalism San Diego, and the University of San Diego hold immense potential for shaping our collective future. Ascent values partnerships that are instrumental in driving positive change and fostering innovation, and these collaborations embody that ethos.

Ascent is committed to supporting and amplifying the impact of these partnerships, recognizing the transformative potential they hold in shaping a more equitable, prosperous, and sustainable future for all. Together, we can continue to innovate, inspire, and lead by example, demonstrating the power of collaboration in driving positive change in the world.

This interview captures the essence of what it means to be a USD student engaged in a high-impact business that prepares them for the purpose-driven economy. Jessica’s journey with Ascent Funding and Goal Beyond exemplifies the future of higher education, where academic institutions and businesses can collaborate to nurture a new generation of leaders committed to sustainable and inclusive growth. We here at USD are poised to lead that future.

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