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Uniting for Resilience: The Kroc School Supports Hawai’i in the Wake of Devastating Wildfires

The people of Mau’i and Hawai’i have been plunged into a relentless battle against raging wildfires. What began as scattered brush fires at the start of the week has transformed into a devastating inferno, catching state officials and residents off-guard, resulting in tragic losses. 

The rapid spread of these flames has left us all with heavy hearts, mourning the loss of nearly 100 lives, a death toll that continues to rise. The shockwave of this disaster has been felt throughout the state of Hawai’i, and now, more than ever, it's crucial to rally together and stand strong in the face of adversity.

Wildfires engulf a structure in Lahaina, Hawai’i

Many members of our University of San Diego community have connections in Hawai'i or call the islands home. Tragically, some may have lost homes and businesses. We hold them, the people of Mau'i and those responding to the emergency in our thoughts and prayers.

Resources and Aid available for current students and employees can be found here.

At the Kroc School, we understand the importance of effective humanitarian responses during such crises. Our Master's program in Humanitarian Action equips individuals to be a guiding light in the darkest of times. From Disaster Management and Prevention to Humanitarian Diplomacy and Displacement, our curriculum provides our students with the tools to respond to disasters with agility, empathy, and efficieny rooted in the foundations of peacebuilding.

Our Humanitarian Action students, armed with this knowledge and guided by our shared commitment to peace, are well-prepared to address the immediate needs of affected communities. They excel in needs assessment, coordination, and the ethical considerations required to alleviate suffering and promote unity during times of upheaval.

maui relief

As we extend our hands to support the recovery of Hawai’i, we invite you to learn more about our MS in Humanitarian Action program and the inspiring work of our students and alumni. Together, we can bring hope to the devastated communities, rebuild what was lost, and forge a path towards a future where resilience, compassion, and unity triumph over the destruction these fires have caused.

Join us as we renew our commitment to a world marked by peace, and stand with the people of Hawai’i during this time of need. Together, we can turn the tide of destruction into a beacon of hope, reminding the world that even in the darkest hours, humanity's spirit shines brightest.

Learn more about our MS in Humanitarian Action. 

For those looking to make monetary donations to the recovery, we recommend the following:

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