The Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice is excited to announce the recipients of the 2023 grants from the Women Waging Peace (WWP) network.
Established in 1999, the Women Waging Peace network has grown to be a powerful and inclusive international community of peacebuilding experts and leaders who are committed to ending cycles of violence. The Kroc IPJ provides network members with grants to help them build organizational capacity and attend convenings around the world.
Learn more about the ten WWP members who were awarded grants this year.
Julia Akur
Julia is a South Sudanese woman lawyer who has worked in the areas of women, peace and security, participating in the drafting of the Interim Constitution of South Sudan and the country’s first ever Child Bill. She is a founding member of the Federation of Women Lawyers of South Sudan (FIDA-South Sudan). She received a grant to support her organization's membership in international networks.
Rajaa Altalli
Rajaa is the co-founder of the Center for Civil Society and Democracy and a member of the Syrian Women's Advisory Board for the UN Special Envoy for Syria since it was established in 2016 to ensure that women's perspectives and leadership are taken into account in the Syrian peace process. She received a grant to travel to the UN General Assembly meeting.
Caryn Dasah
Caryn is a social justice activist and youth leader focused on advancing women's rights, gender equality, ending violence against women and girls, and sustainable development. She received a grant to attend sessions at Geneva Peace Week.
Dolores Hernández
Dolores is a professor at ITESO and has experience in governance, development, international cooperation and internationalization, safety, social innovation, creative economy, mobility, and climate change. She received a grant to travel to a conference in the US.
Nargis Nehan
Nargis has served as Treasure of the Ministry of Finance and Senior Advisor to the Minister of Education and Higher Education in Pakistan. She founded EQUALITY for Peace and Democracy/Development and served in the Afghanistan National Unity Government as Acting Minister of Mines and Petroleum. She received a grant to travel to a donor meeting in Germany.
Sulochana Peiris
Sulochana Peiris is a documentary maker, writer and researcher based in Sri Lanka. She has a MA in Conflict and Peace Studies from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Sulochana's latest documentary on Sri Lanka's 2022 protest movement was premiered during a Roundtable Conference on Sri Lanka organized by the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. She received a grant to attend this conference.
Martha Segura
Martha has thirty years of professional experience coordinating NGO networks to influence public policies to prevent violence against women and children. In 2012, she founded a foundation to work with displaced women and children in poor communities in alliance with the government and other NGOs. She received a grant to attend a conference.
Zayneb alShalalfeh
Zayneb is a program management professional with 11+ years of experience who has worked in conflict areas in the Middle East in the field of environment and gender. She is a co-founder of the Palestinian Women Water Practitioners Network to raise women's profile in the water field. She received a grant to take a course on psychosocial support.
Rebecca Turyatunga
Rebecca is a Ugandan activist with a focus on peacebuilding and women’s and youth’s empowerment. She is the founder Young Women Space and a founding member of Sheema Development Foundation. She received a grant to attend a cybersecurity course.
Nicoline Wazeh
Nicoline is a local Gender and Development expert and a peacebuilder based in Cameroon. She is the CEO and Founder of two local organizations: Pathways for Women’s Empowerment and Development and Integrated Agricultural Training Center (PaWEDIATC). She received a grant to travel to a conference in Germany.

About the Author
The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (Kroc IPJ) launched in 2001 with a vision of active peacebuilding. In 2007, the Kroc IPJ became part of the newly established Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, a global hub for peacebuilding and social innovation. The core of the Kroc IPJ mission is to co-create learning with peacemakers — learning that is deeply grounded in the lived experience of peacemakers around the world, that is made rigorous by our place within a university ecosystem and that is immediately and practically applied by peacemakers to end cycles of violence.