Internship Update: Kroc School Students Share the Value of Putting Peacebuilding Into Practice
Internship Update: Kroc School Students Share the Value of Putting Peacebuilding Into Practice

begin quoteThis internship has solidified why I am a peace and justice student at the Kroc School and how excited and ready I am to apply for a Ph.D program in Women’s Studies in the Fall.
The Kroc School's Master in Peace and Justice (MAPJ) Internship Program is an opportunity for students to put their knowledge and skills developed throughout their coursework into practice. Students gain in-field experience within an organizational setting allowing them to expand their understanding of what it means to be a team member and leader while practicing authentic work for creating social change.
This summer, 35 Kroc School students are participating in the internship program sending students throughout San Diego county, around the United States and the world. Before departing for their internships, students were asked to share updates and highlights of their experiences from their internships. The following post is a collection of those experiences, including lessons, takeaways and photos from their internships. Stay tuned for more updates from these and other Kroc School students this summer as they put their peacebuilding skills to practice at organizations throughout the world.
Internships Reinforce Educational Pursuits
“As I continue to intern with Global Vision International, I am learning so much about the Indian culture and the perception of women by working with other strong and intelligent women here in India. This internship has solidified why I am a peace and justice student at the Kroc School and how excited and ready I am to apply for a Ph.D program in Women’s Studies in the fall.”
Photo from Stacey Ann De La Riva, who is interning with Global Vision International in Kerala, India.
Finding Personal Growth Through Interactions With People of Diverse Backgrounds
“One experience very dear to me, is when the president of a school focused on Islamic identities and dialogue from the Philippines came to brief us on the presence and challenges of ISIL in the region. As a Filipina, the presence of ISIL is prevalent in my family’s home country, but is not widely talked about.”
Photo from Hillary Maravilla, who is an intern at the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate. in New York City, New York.
"I have had conversations about religion, race, class, political ideologies, and more. I have met seasoned peacebuilders and future peacebuilders. Young folks, old folks, religious, and non. People with different abilities and people with unique abilities. People who have written books, and people who are still learning to write. There is a place for respite, a space for learning, and a platform for reflecting."
Photo provided by Sophie Thompsonwho is an intern with Corrymeela, a reconciliation and peacebuilding organization in Northern Ireland. Read an update on Sophie's day-to-day activities at Corrymeela here.
"The Njira Project offers people who believe they have the power to give something to their community that would provide solutions and a legacy. Something that they could show their children and say: 'This is what we built when we came together and took ownership of our future.' And that is exactly what I witnessed at one of the watershed sites I visited."
Photo from Nancy Cermeno who is the Learning and Documentation fellow at Project Concertn International in Malawi.
Building Upon Relevant Kroc School Coursework
“I am looking forward to the rest of my internship here at Cultural Survival, and I am grateful that I took 2 of Kroc School Associate Professor Dustin Sharp’s classes on human rights and advocacy, and I feel very prepared for this internship. If not for his teachings, I would have had to become familiar with the UN system and the complex International Human Rights Conventions while beginning a new position.”
Megan Heidel, who is pursuing her MA in Peace and Justice, is an intern with Cultural Survival in Cambridge, Mass. Read Megan's entire update here.
Students Taking Action in Positions of Power and Responsibility
“Along with our Executive Director and several interns and volunteers from different committees, we represented San Diego at a national level event, the United Nations Association (UNA)-USA Leadership Summit in Washington D.C., which was focused on best practices, current issues, and what is to come for UNA.”
Carolyn Ross is serving as the Social Media and Communications Director for the United Nations Association-USA San Diego. Photo provided by Carolyn Ross.
“I represented my organization in a roundtable conversation, organized by Centre for Democracy and Development here in Abuja, Nigeria, with the scope of discussing the ways and means of improving Nigeria’s Political Party competition during a time of transition and terror. The event provided a framework tailored to promote healthy competition and good governance in Nigeria and beyond.”
Photo from Samuel Offurum who is interning with the Catholic Caritas Foundation of Nigeria in Abuja, Nigeria.
Kevin Dobyns
(619) 260-7618

About the Author
The Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (Kroc IPJ) launched in 2001 with a vision of active peacebuilding. In 2007, the Kroc IPJ became part of the newly established Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies, a global hub for peacebuilding and social innovation. The core of the Kroc IPJ mission is to co-create learning with peacemakers — learning that is deeply grounded in the lived experience of peacemakers around the world, that is made rigorous by our place within a university ecosystem and that is immediately and practically applied by peacemakers to end cycles of violence.