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Reimagining Capitalism Through Experiential Learning: A Partnership Between USD and Conscious Capitalism San Diego

In an era where the call for sustainable and innovative business practices rings louder than ever, the University of San Diego (USD) is proud to be at the forefront of educating the next generation of impact-focused social entrepreneurs. Our partnership with Conscious Capitalism San Diego is a testament to our commitment to nurturing social innovators who can harmonize the demands of a robust economy with the principles of sustainable and equitable growth.

Our students, mentored by USD educators and industry leaders, immerse themselves in businesses that embody the balance of purpose and profit. At the heart of USD's ethos is the belief that to lead inspired and meaningful lives, one must engage directly with the forces shaping our society. Beth Richards, a MA in Peace and Justice student, represents the epitome of this engagement through her fellowship with Lotus Sustainables, where she has woven her academic insights into the fabric of a company driving positive change.

conscious capitalism san diego logoLotus Sustainables Logo

The conversations with Beth and Jesse Langley, CEO of Lotus Sustainables, are a window into the soul of our partnership. In collaboration with Professor Juan Roche’s exciting new Reimagining Capitalism course, we have sought to underline the integral role played by businesses like Lotus Sustainables in shaping San Diego’s impact-focused economy, and in shepherding the next cadre of business leaders dedicated to building sustainable and thriving enterprises.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Beth and Jesse to delve into their experiences working together during Beth’s fellowship at Lotus Sustainables.


 Motivation & Background
Q: Beth, what drew you to take Dr. Roche’s Reimagining Capitalism Course, and then pursue this fellowship opportunity with Lotus Sustainables? 
Beth: I was extremely excited when I looked at the syllabus for Juan’s amazing class. As someone who has spent many years in the NGO sector and has worked to critically unpack some of the systems that are embedded in our world, I wanted to push myself by sitting with and unpacking Capitalism.  By understanding how it works and situating the norms and structures which uphold it, this class has offered a unique insight into the tools and knowledge systems we can lean on to help ‘reimagine’ Capitalism and work to disrupt current models that prioritize perpetual growth over equity and sustainability. This class has made me realize how entrenched the current system is in our understanding of the world, but has offered insight into the work that is being done to evolve and recreate a Capitalism that can harness circular economies, closed loop systems, ESG etc. I was drawn to Lotus Sustinables having been passionate about sustainability for a long-time. I wanted to immerse myself in a hands-on experience that aligned with my passion for sustainability and the environment. The urgency of addressing global environmental challenges has never been more apparent, and the sustainability industry stands at the forefront of finding innovative solutions. The organization's holistic approach to sustainability resonates with my belief that addressing environmental challenges requires multifaceted solutions. By advocating for and providing sustainable alternatives, Lotus Sustainables actively contributes to reducing the environmental footprint of individuals and communities and seems to be transparent in its own supply chain processes and practices.  The team embodies the sentiment of the brand, they are driven by a responsibility to enact change and make sustainability as inclusive as possible, and it has been a privilege to learn from the team. 
Q: Jesse, how does partnering with academic institutions align with Lotus Sustainables vision? 
Jesse: One of the 5 Lotus Sustainables values is "OUTREACH: Educate & Inspire." We aim to ignite a movement fueled by genuine care, empowering individuals to learn, grow, and make a positive impact in the world. It is through this value that we engage with the next generation to further elevate humanity through business.  It’s crucial we nurture these future business leaders and set them up for success as they navigate how to make the biggest impact.  
Q: Beth, can you describe a typical week during your fellowship? What have been your main responsibilities?
Beth: So, I have been attending the various Team Meetings, which cover operational activities, team strategies, and updates.  Alongside this, I have been working on a series of different research projects that have allowed me to gain a deeper sense of the varied work being done by the organization, and I have been given the opportunity to contribute to operational and marketing activities. A highlight of my week has to be the Happy, Healthy, Wealthy team meeting where the team comes together to work on holistic strategies to align their overall life goals and daily activities.  
Q: What have been the most challenging aspects of this fellowship? How have you overcome them?
Beth: A challenge when starting out on any fellowship is finding out what you can contribute as an individual to the organization at large. It takes a lot of internal reflection and external support to be able to try out and experience different elements of an organization and see what best aligns with your skills. It is often easy to pigeonhole yourself into a particular identity and restrict opportunities for personal development by sticking to your comfort zone and I have felt this fellowship has allowed me to workshop different skills and ideas, where I step out of my usual tasks and hone in on skills I want to develop for my future.  This has been made possible through the guidance and support of Jesse who has given me the freedom and guidance to do this.  
Q: Jesse, can you describe the roles, responsibilities, and projects assigned to Beth? How do these contribute to Lotus’ overall goals?
Jesse: Beth has a wide range of projects that allow her to use unique abilities and add value to the company. This includes in-depth research to measure environmental impact tradeoffs using our various products with attention to how the marketing messaging hierarchy contributes to further educating all stakeholders. Her efforts contribute directly to the company’s biggest KPI which is how much plastic we divert from landfills. Additionally, she is inspired to contribute to the team dynamics and culture through participation in various meetings providing a fresh perspective while embracing our communication style and developing soft skills.
Q: As an experienced executive, what challenges have you encountered when working with fellows and interns? Given your role in developing this initiative, what measures have you implemented to ensure a mutually beneficial relationship?
Jesse: Mutual benefit challenges arise in determining how interns or fellows gain business experience and the company receives value from their efforts.  This has been addressed by direct alignment of skills for associated projects, time expectations, and ability to quickly come up to speed operating in the company with mission, culture, and communication alignment. The Conscious Capitalism Impact Fellowship is designed to provide vast exposure to purpose, stakeholders, leadership, and culture while quickly honing in on value and a benefit nexus derived from a menu of opportunities for the intern.  This joined with a deep indoctrination of the company’s ethos, brief and frequent check-ins, and an intentional focus on building the intern’s business culture experience assist in striving for the best program possible.

Learning & Impact

Q: Beth, how has the fellowship influenced your understanding of capitalism and sustainability?
Beth: This fellowship has given me great insights into how sustainability can be embedded into the core of an organization and prioritized throughout its structures. As a B-Corp, Lotus makes sure to implement ESG and align its values with the operational outputs, it has given me great insight into how a business can be run in an ethical, inclusive and forward-thinking way that curates space for innovation. As someone who had previously worked solely in NGOs, it has been invaluable to experience a different working environment. 
Q: Jesse, can you share an example where Beth has made a noticeable impact on a Lotus project or culture.

Jesse: She has done invaluable research on the impact of rPET tradeoffs.  This specifically assists in the product line development strategy as well as identifies the crucial amount of plastic that is not only being prevented from landfills but also how many plastic bottles are being reused in the construction of various fabrics for high-quality reusable bags.  From a cultural perspective, she champions engagement with each meeting and inspires the team with her level of contribution, awareness, and willingness to be a team member driving the purpose of our business.

Future Aspirations 

Q: Beth, how has this experience shaped your career aspirations, once you finish your degree from USD and The Kroc School? 
Beth: This experience has definitely opened my eyes to the different impacts that can be made outside of the humanitarian space, and has given me tangible good practice takeaways for how an organization can incorporate and prioritize sustainability and ESG goals.  It has broadened my scope of possibilities for after the Kroc School, and I have gained valuable knowledge on implementing sustainability goals and curating an inclusive company environment that I will channel into any future role I may pursue. 
Q: Jesse, how do you see the partnerships between Lotus Sustainables, Conscious Capitalism San Diego, and the University of San Diego evolving? 
Jesse: I am so inspired with our first program as the alignment with Prof. Juan Roche, associated curriculum in the Reimagining Capitalism class, engaged local San Diego purpose-driven businesses and their leaders as well as the student impact fellows who are embracing the opportunity to further learn how to elevate humanity through business.  From this first step, I envision a San Diego County wide program that opens the doors to more university students.  Beyond that, I see it evolving into a scalable program that can be integrated into all of the 26 domestic and international Conscious Capitalism chapters.  
Q: Anything Else?
Beth: Juan’s class fosters such an inclusive space for ideation, creativity and innovation which has been inspiring to be a part of, this has also been reflected in the fellowship where I have been given the support and creative space to contribute in a way that aligns with my skills and allows me to develop in the sustainability space. 

Jesse: I’m so grateful for the trailblazers in all the stakeholder groups that are going beyond the current paradigm for realignment of businesses' Higher Purpose, Stakeholder Orientation, Loving Leadership, and Conscious Culture.
Reflecting on Beth's journey and Jesse's insights, it's clear that the intersection of education and practice is where transformative learning happens. Beth's hands-on experience at Lotus Sustainables, under the guidance of Jesse and his team, exemplifies the depth of learning that occurs when students are given the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge in real-world settings. It's about more than just acquiring skills; it's about cultivating a mindset that seeks to reimagine capitalism in ways that prioritize a business model that promotes sustainability for the planet, the people a part of the organization – and of course, the business.  

As we celebrate USD’s 75th Anniversary, we are excited to build on this pilot endeavor, and envision a future where USD serves as a vibrant hub for students, faculty, and purpose-driven social entrepreneurs and organizations that are reshaping the economy and addressing our world’s most systemic challenges. It's an exciting time to be part of the USD community, and we are just getting started.

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